Welcome to the new series, presented by Kuaikan Net. This is the fourth bullet in the series. It seems like we're all going to have to work even harder to be beautiful. The first bullet points out that a beauty should have eyes at the top of the face, nose at the bottom, width equal to five eyes, and side view. The second bullet says that the beauty should be tall, shapely, and with long eyelashes. The third bullet says the beauty's hair should be long and smooth, with a low hairline.
Welcome to the new series, presented by Kuaikan Net. This is the fourth bullet in the series. It seems like we're all going to have to work even harder to be beautiful. The first bullet points out that a beauty should have eyes at the top of the face, nose at the bottom, width equal to five eyes, and side view. The second bullet says that the beauty should be tall, shapely, and with long eyelashes. The third bullet says the beauty's hair should be long and smooth, with a low hairline.