My First Sex Is ...with a MUMMY!? • Chapter 45 • Page ik-page-5163051
My First Sex Is ...with a MUMMY!? • Chapter 45 • Page ik-page-5122232
Chapter 45
This is a locked chapterChapter 45
About This Chapter
The narrator asks the ring-tender if he has anything he would like to give her. He asks if she would like a kiss, a hug, or anything else that would please her. She says no, but she does want to hear her sexy voice again. The narrator wants to know how she did it before, and how she does it now. She wants to touch her chest, and she wants to do it in a way that makes her feel good. She tells him to rub her chest with one of her fingers, and then she says, "I love you." The narrator says that he feels the same way, even though he only hears her voice through the phone. It's the first day of their three-week relationship.
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My First Sex Is ...with a MUMMY!? • Chapter 45 • Page ik-page-5163051
My First Sex Is ...with a MUMMY!? • Chapter 45 • Page ik-page-5122232
Chapter 45
This is a locked chapterChapter 45
About This Chapter
The narrator asks the ring-tender if he has anything he would like to give her. He asks if she would like a kiss, a hug, or anything else that would please her. She says no, but she does want to hear her sexy voice again. The narrator wants to know how she did it before, and how she does it now. She wants to touch her chest, and she wants to do it in a way that makes her feel good. She tells him to rub her chest with one of her fingers, and then she says, "I love you." The narrator says that he feels the same way, even though he only hears her voice through the phone. It's the first day of their three-week relationship.
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