My First Sex Is ...with a MUMMY!? • Chapter 35 • Page ik-page-5163041
My First Sex Is ...with a MUMMY!? • Chapter 35 • Page ik-page-5122033
Chapter 35
This is a locked chapterChapter 35
About This Chapter
In this chapter, Shmoop continues his defense of his friend, telling him that he should stop being so "selfish" and stop "thinking so highly of themselves" . He reminds him that "life and work colliding" is "completely possible" , and that he must stop acting so "egoistically" and "just to satisfy" his own self. He also reminds him to stop trying to "keep being friends with Miss Fuuka" and to stop acting like a "satisfactionary" person. He says that he saw how hard Fuuka was trying to make him happy , although she is "a little clumsy" and acts "on her emotions." He feels that he "wanted to be friends" with her , but as he says, "as you say, . . you may have been just for my sitis faction . It all . how Yuko and shin were . lovers . long before I met her . it makes me . so mad . i hate it . why you should go out with someone else ! there are better people out there for him to be acting like an actor ! you should stop running ahead on your own . only think about yourself . and you were just "matching although your relat tionship" with off . he says. he is not shin still planning to piss him "nings on telling anyone " , even pre-schoolers know thats not something you do , not that mean , i'm . not that means . she solved all it with out us " . She is a vixen , he says and he worries that she will be "degraded" if the "media who knows about yuiko" finds out about her relationship with shin. He asks if he is
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My First Sex Is ...with a MUMMY!? • Chapter 35 • Page ik-page-5163041
My First Sex Is ...with a MUMMY!? • Chapter 35 • Page ik-page-5122033
Chapter 35
This is a locked chapterChapter 35
About This Chapter
In this chapter, Shmoop continues his defense of his friend, telling him that he should stop being so "selfish" and stop "thinking so highly of themselves" . He reminds him that "life and work colliding" is "completely possible" , and that he must stop acting so "egoistically" and "just to satisfy" his own self. He also reminds him to stop trying to "keep being friends with Miss Fuuka" and to stop acting like a "satisfactionary" person. He says that he saw how hard Fuuka was trying to make him happy , although she is "a little clumsy" and acts "on her emotions." He feels that he "wanted to be friends" with her , but as he says, "as you say, . . you may have been just for my sitis faction . It all . how Yuko and shin were . lovers . long before I met her . it makes me . so mad . i hate it . why you should go out with someone else ! there are better people out there for him to be acting like an actor ! you should stop running ahead on your own . only think about yourself . and you were just "matching although your relat tionship" with off . he says. he is not shin still planning to piss him "nings on telling anyone " , even pre-schoolers know thats not something you do , not that mean , i'm . not that means . she solved all it with out us " . She is a vixen , he says and he worries that she will be "degraded" if the "media who knows about yuiko" finds out about her relationship with shin. He asks if he is
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