My First Sex Is ...with a MUMMY!? • Chapter 32 • Page ik-page-5163038
My First Sex Is ...with a MUMMY!? • Chapter 32 • Page ik-page-5121977
Chapter 32
This is a locked chapterChapter 32
About This Chapter
The next morning, the Governess wakes up in the middle of the night to find Yuiko in her apartment. The Governess asks Yuiko if she likes shinchi, and she says she does, but that she does not like him. She tells Yuiko that she has rented the apartment out to other customers, and that there are no customers there. She asks if Yuiko likes him, and he replies that he does. He tells her that he has heard that she is his fan, and so he has to give him a hug. He says that he used to be able to find her school with this, but now he does not care about it. He adds that he is not letting Yuiko like him in their friend ship. He goes on to say that shinchi is known to be a very nice man in his field, and many deodorant companies fight over the right to have him as their "pro-duct image." He says he is glad that everything is going well in his office.
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My First Sex Is ...with a MUMMY!? • Chapter 32 • Page ik-page-5163038
My First Sex Is ...with a MUMMY!? • Chapter 32 • Page ik-page-5121977
Chapter 32
This is a locked chapterChapter 32
About This Chapter
The next morning, the Governess wakes up in the middle of the night to find Yuiko in her apartment. The Governess asks Yuiko if she likes shinchi, and she says she does, but that she does not like him. She tells Yuiko that she has rented the apartment out to other customers, and that there are no customers there. She asks if Yuiko likes him, and he replies that he does. He tells her that he has heard that she is his fan, and so he has to give him a hug. He says that he used to be able to find her school with this, but now he does not care about it. He adds that he is not letting Yuiko like him in their friend ship. He goes on to say that shinchi is known to be a very nice man in his field, and many deodorant companies fight over the right to have him as their "pro-duct image." He says he is glad that everything is going well in his office.
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