My First Sex Is ...with a MUMMY!? • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-5158498
My First Sex Is ...with a MUMMY!? • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-5121502
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we find out that the mysterious shin has gone missing, and that he is being pursued by the yakuza. We learn that his real name is "Shinichi" and that his family and school history are unknown. We also learn that the rumor that he does not live with us is true, because he is a talented actor and is loved by the field. We wonder if he will keep on hiding from us.
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My First Sex Is ...with a MUMMY!? • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-5158498
My First Sex Is ...with a MUMMY!? • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-5121502
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we find out that the mysterious shin has gone missing, and that he is being pursued by the yakuza. We learn that his real name is "Shinichi" and that his family and school history are unknown. We also learn that the rumor that he does not live with us is true, because he is a talented actor and is loved by the field. We wonder if he will keep on hiding from us.
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