In this chapter, we are introduced to the protagonist, a twenty-nine-year-old woman named Akira. Akira is a free spirit, who walks her own path. She has come to the bridal fair because she wants to get married. The protagonist is jealous of her beauty, and he tells her that she looks "screwed up" because she has not married yet. He says that he is a single twenty- nine year old, and that he gets ahead of himself with "zero marriage prospects" . He shows her to the chapel, and Akira wonders what happened to her sulky mood. She tells the protagonist that she has longed for "titude" from before the wedding. She says that the wedding looked like a "pain in the asses" , so she would never go to a wedding like that. She asks the protagonist if he disagrees with her, and the protagonist replies that he didn't. He then says that Akira's husband suddenly said that he thought Akira looked cool, and she says that this is the wedding job of the protagonist. He knows that he had someone else he wanted to marry forever, and they ended up splitting up.
In this chapter, we are introduced to the protagonist, a twenty-nine-year-old woman named Akira. Akira is a free spirit, who walks her own path. She has come to the bridal fair because she wants to get married. The protagonist is jealous of her beauty, and he tells her that she looks "screwed up" because she has not married yet. He says that he is a single twenty- nine year old, and that he gets ahead of himself with "zero marriage prospects" . He shows her to the chapel, and Akira wonders what happened to her sulky mood. She tells the protagonist that she has longed for "titude" from before the wedding. She says that the wedding looked like a "pain in the asses" , so she would never go to a wedding like that. She asks the protagonist if he disagrees with her, and the protagonist replies that he didn't. He then says that Akira's husband suddenly said that he thought Akira looked cool, and she says that this is the wedding job of the protagonist. He knows that he had someone else he wanted to marry forever, and they ended up splitting up.