Inference Notes - The Extra Chapter: Lost City

Inference Notes - The Extra Chapter: Lost City • Chapter 28: The Suspected Detective (Part 2) • Page ik-page-4844241
Chapter 28: The Suspected Detective (Part 2)
This is a locked chapterChapter 28: The Suspected Detective (Part 2)
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the crime was committed in a public place, and that the murderer was found in the same public place. The murderer is identified as Kaka Mi, a detective. The detective explains that he is the one who entered the public place and that he was the only one who saw the murderer enter. He also explains that the only exit from the public space was the door facing a mall. The forensic evidence shows that the murder weapon was the same one used in the previous chapter. The police arrive at the scene and find that the cleaning lady left the scene. Kaka Mi protests that he did not kill anyone, but the police officer tortures him by putting him on an electric chair. The electric chair is a lie detector, and if he is caught lying, it will be burned. If he does not confess, the electric chair will not work.
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Inference Notes - The Extra Chapter: Lost City

Inference Notes - The Extra Chapter: Lost City • Chapter 28: The Suspected Detective (Part 2) • Page ik-page-4844241
Chapter 28: The Suspected Detective (Part 2)
This is a locked chapterChapter 28: The Suspected Detective (Part 2)
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the crime was committed in a public place, and that the murderer was found in the same public place. The murderer is identified as Kaka Mi, a detective. The detective explains that he is the one who entered the public place and that he was the only one who saw the murderer enter. He also explains that the only exit from the public space was the door facing a mall. The forensic evidence shows that the murder weapon was the same one used in the previous chapter. The police arrive at the scene and find that the cleaning lady left the scene. Kaka Mi protests that he did not kill anyone, but the police officer tortures him by putting him on an electric chair. The electric chair is a lie detector, and if he is caught lying, it will be burned. If he does not confess, the electric chair will not work.
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