Café Night Rider • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-4402072
Chapter 3
This is a locked chapterChapter 3
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The next morning, the elder sister tells her brother that she has seen a fourth color. She tells him that she was lying on a slab of stone with blood on her hands. When he asks her where the blood came from, she says that it came from her brother's hair. He tells her that she is a shame of his clan for attacking such a weak and weak human being. The elder sister asks her brother why his hair has changed. He says that his sister said that he had blood on his hands. She says that she thought he had been injured. When she asks him what he is doing here again, he says that he is looking for her. He asks her what she is doing there again.
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Café Night Rider • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-4402072
Chapter 3
This is a locked chapterChapter 3
About This Chapter
The next morning, the elder sister tells her brother that she has seen a fourth color. She tells him that she was lying on a slab of stone with blood on her hands. When he asks her where the blood came from, she says that it came from her brother's hair. He tells her that she is a shame of his clan for attacking such a weak and weak human being. The elder sister asks her brother why his hair has changed. He says that his sister said that he had blood on his hands. She says that she thought he had been injured. When she asks him what he is doing here again, he says that he is looking for her. He asks her what she is doing there again.
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