Café Night Rider • Chapter 34 • Page ik-page-4631800
Chapter 34
This is a locked chapterChapter 34
About This Chapter
The next morning, the teacher tells the students that the demon that killed them was the same one who killed the practice room. He also tells them that the woman who killed them is the same woman that was supposed to marry them when they were at the academy. The teacher then tells them the story of how the two of them got married. He says that the family of the bride and groom are long-time friends of the Chen family and the Jun family, and that the Chen chose the girl because she was still a child and because he knew she would be a good match for him. He adds that the reason why he has been protecting the girl is because he already knew that she was going to marry him.
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Café Night Rider • Chapter 34 • Page ik-page-4631800
Chapter 34
This is a locked chapterChapter 34
About This Chapter
The next morning, the teacher tells the students that the demon that killed them was the same one who killed the practice room. He also tells them that the woman who killed them is the same woman that was supposed to marry them when they were at the academy. The teacher then tells them the story of how the two of them got married. He says that the family of the bride and groom are long-time friends of the Chen family and the Jun family, and that the Chen chose the girl because she was still a child and because he knew she would be a good match for him. He adds that the reason why he has been protecting the girl is because he already knew that she was going to marry him.
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