This is a locked chapterBook 1: The Silver-Eyed Specter, Chapter 4: Part 1
About This Chapter
In the castle of Pernelle, the squire tries to persuade the madman to join him in the fight against the infidels. He tells the madman that he has not known peace in a long time, and that all he did was run away from the demons. He asks the madman where the demons hide, and the madman replies that it is easy to say that his back on them is on them, but that all the authority of the purple robe confers pelagio. The madman says that he is not afraid of the musafir, for he has never been a fanatic for weapons. He says that ulric sometimes makes decisions without consulting the men, and while william has implemented them, he himself would have been a better leader. He also says that Marc has often said that they can trust him as well, and he asks if he swears on his life. The man replies that he holds him to be right, and says that what they are about to face will be a more terrific test.