In this short scene, we are introduced to the protagonist, a young man who is in love with his female co-worker. The two of them fall in love in a dream together, and the protagonist tells us that he does not want to part with her. He tells her that she is too big for him, and that he can sleep anywhere in the room. He kisses her, and she is surprised to see how much he loves her. She tells him that she does not like the way he touches her, but that he is touching her in a way that makes her feel dizzy. She says that she has not felt this way in a long time, and asks him to give her a kiss. He does so, and they kiss again. The protagonist tells him to kiss her again, and he kisses her again
In this short scene, we are introduced to the protagonist, a young man who is in love with his female co-worker. The two of them fall in love in a dream together, and the protagonist tells us that he does not want to part with her. He tells her that she is too big for him, and that he can sleep anywhere in the room. He kisses her, and she is surprised to see how much he loves her. She tells him that she does not like the way he touches her, but that he is touching her in a way that makes her feel dizzy. She says that she has not felt this way in a long time, and asks him to give her a kiss. He does so, and they kiss again. The protagonist tells him to kiss her again, and he kisses her again