My Boss Is an Infatuated Monster!? Forceful Sex With No Common Sense • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-4243313
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
"My boss monster" is the title of this chapter's epigraph, and it's a reference to the "boss monster" of the previous chapter, who's the president's son. This time, the boss is shindou, and he's been looking for shindou ever since he graduated from school. When he was in school, shindou met his future wife, Susumu, and they fell in love. Susumu is now 32 years old, and she tells him that she's known him since he was a little kid. She says that he confessed to her once in school that he loved her, but that he didn't have any friends to share his love with. He's never changed, she says, and that's because she hasn't grown up in the past 20 years. She tells him she doesn't need any friends, but she does need him. She's not going to give up on him, he tells her, because she'll be fine if she just needs him now. They run away, and the boss tells them to hurry and leave.
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My Boss Is an Infatuated Monster!? Forceful Sex With No Common Sense • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-4243313
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
"My boss monster" is the title of this chapter's epigraph, and it's a reference to the "boss monster" of the previous chapter, who's the president's son. This time, the boss is shindou, and he's been looking for shindou ever since he graduated from school. When he was in school, shindou met his future wife, Susumu, and they fell in love. Susumu is now 32 years old, and she tells him that she's known him since he was a little kid. She says that he confessed to her once in school that he loved her, but that he didn't have any friends to share his love with. He's never changed, she says, and that's because she hasn't grown up in the past 20 years. She tells him she doesn't need any friends, but she does need him. She's not going to give up on him, he tells her, because she'll be fine if she just needs him now. They run away, and the boss tells them to hurry and leave.
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