In this short scene, we learn that william is a masked man, and that he is married to a woman named Alice Smith, who has a heart condition that prevents her from living long enough to have a child. Alice tells william that she has had to have the heart transplant because she has to marry him, and she is afraid that she will die if he does not find her a heart within the next year. william tells Alice that he still thinks all is coincidence, and Alice tells him that even his sister has had a heart-donotion agreement, which means that her sister has already died. Alice asks william if he wants to make revenge on her sister, and william says that he will never dream of leaving unless he dies. Alice says that she can investigate herself, but william wants to reward her for reminding him that he can still have sex if he has sex after hearing all of this. She tells him they will have dinner in the fourth floor dining room, and he says that Alice is not only beautiful and kind, but also gentle, and always making her feel comfortable. He tells her that he almost forgets that she is the same as the smith, but that she reminds him of the apple of his eye. He asks her what she would like to eat, but she tells him to take a breakist , which is a snack. She then tells him about the flowers in the garden, which are of different colors and varieties, and span four seasons. She says that the garden is like an art exhibition, not a place for a meal. She asks him if he would like some sorbet, but he says he would rather eat some sorbet than eat anything else. He then asks her to forget about the strawberry, which she says is for ada, and asks her if she could have been there when he