The next day, the mermaid and the mermaid's attendant show up at the fishmonger's shop. They're there to buy a jellyfish umbrella, which is a gift from the sick sister of one of the employees. The mermaid and her attendant are so impressed by the performance by the boy that they're willing to buy him dinner for helping his career take off. They also show off the new jellyfish umbrella they've just made, which has been specially made to look like the one in the movie Remember Me. When the mermaid asks if he knows the boy from the movie, the boy says he does, and the two of them go off to buy the umbrella.
The next day, the mermaid and the mermaid's attendant show up at the fishmonger's shop. They're there to buy a jellyfish umbrella, which is a gift from the sick sister of one of the employees. The mermaid and her attendant are so impressed by the performance by the boy that they're willing to buy him dinner for helping his career take off. They also show off the new jellyfish umbrella they've just made, which has been specially made to look like the one in the movie Remember Me. When the mermaid asks if he knows the boy from the movie, the boy says he does, and the two of them go off to buy the umbrella.