The next morning, the two girls go for a walk, and the narrator tells us that they're going to have a picnic together. They're planning to go fishing, but the narrator doesn't have a good idea how to do it. He's worried that the fish will eat them, so they'll have to catch them by hand. The two girls agree to go out and catch fish together, but they don't want to get into a fight. They just want to talk to each other. The narrator tells the girls that he's afraid that they won't be able to trust each other because they can't see each other's inner voices.
The next morning, the two girls go for a walk, and the narrator tells us that they're going to have a picnic together. They're planning to go fishing, but the narrator doesn't have a good idea how to do it. He's worried that the fish will eat them, so they'll have to catch them by hand. The two girls agree to go out and catch fish together, but they don't want to get into a fight. They just want to talk to each other. The narrator tells the girls that he's afraid that they won't be able to trust each other because they can't see each other's inner voices.