"The Romeo and Juliet Plan" The chapter opens with a flashback to the events of the previous chapter. Aono's mother has committed suicide, and his younger brother, Teppei kun, has also committed suicide. The flashback reveals that Tachibana has made a pact with her son to summon the ghosts of her dead husband and father, and that she has made the pact in order to protect her son from the evil of the ghosts
"The Romeo and Juliet Plan" The chapter opens with a flashback to the events of the previous chapter. Aono's mother has committed suicide, and his younger brother, Teppei kun, has also committed suicide. The flashback reveals that Tachibana has made a pact with her son to summon the ghosts of her dead husband and father, and that she has made the pact in order to protect her son from the evil of the ghosts