This is a locked chapterChapter 37 Yotsukubi-sama 12
About This Chapter
Sota, Hiroto, and Yulan enter the cave and try to convince her to let them in, but she refuses, saying that she has nowhere else to go and that she wants to be with her brothers. She tells them that they can't go in without her permission, and that there is nowhere else for them to go. She says that she doesn't feel sorry for anyone who tries to hurt her, because she's just as important to them as they are. They tell her that she should report the incident to the police, and then she should go away. They say that they are adults, and they are responsible for her safety. They also tell her not to go looking for them alone on her own, and to report it to an adult if it is dark out. They then tell her to go back to her mother's house, and say that she is all right, and she will be back soon.