This is a locked chapterChapter 38 Separate Worlds
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a flashback to the story of yotsui sama and his curse. The villagers make sacrifices to the Dragon God to bring rain. The ghosts then cause rain to cleanse the blood of the sacrifice victims. The flashback is a re-enactment of the rain summoning ritual. It is explained that the ghosts cause rain because they have been banished from the world of humans. In other words, the ghosts are not living beings but beings that have been separated from the human world. This is the "paradigm shift" . The narrator explains that he has three pencil boards, each connected by a line. Each board is a separate world. When he asks the ghost if he would like to be with him when he dies, the ghost replies that he would. When the ghost turns into the dark, the narrator asks him if he could be with her if he died. The ghost says he would if he were dead. The chapter ends with the narrator's return home.
This is a locked chapterChapter 38 Separate Worlds
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a flashback to the story of yotsui sama and his curse. The villagers make sacrifices to the Dragon God to bring rain. The ghosts then cause rain to cleanse the blood of the sacrifice victims. The flashback is a re-enactment of the rain summoning ritual. It is explained that the ghosts cause rain because they have been banished from the world of humans. In other words, the ghosts are not living beings but beings that have been separated from the human world. This is the "paradigm shift" . The narrator explains that he has three pencil boards, each connected by a line. Each board is a separate world. When he asks the ghost if he would like to be with him when he dies, the ghost replies that he would. When the ghost turns into the dark, the narrator asks him if he could be with her if he died. The ghost says he would if he were dead. The chapter ends with the narrator's return home.