In this chapter, the reader is introduced to a new character, a half-vampire named Oliver. He is a member of the vampire club known as the "Tenent Club," and he has been invited to a dinner party to be held at a hotel in Paris. Oliver is excited to be invited to the dinner party, but he does not want to go because he has not yet met any of the other members of the club. When Oliver asks why he is being invited to such a party, he is told that it is a "popular among the vampires," and that he must "watch his back, ava, and his neck too." Oliver then asks if he has heard about Jane, the vampire's boss.
In this chapter, the reader is introduced to a new character, a half-vampire named Oliver. He is a member of the vampire club known as the "Tenent Club," and he has been invited to a dinner party to be held at a hotel in Paris. Oliver is excited to be invited to the dinner party, but he does not want to go because he has not yet met any of the other members of the club. When Oliver asks why he is being invited to such a party, he is told that it is a "popular among the vampires," and that he must "watch his back, ava, and his neck too." Oliver then asks if he has heard about Jane, the vampire's boss.