After killing the alchemy puppet, the young wizard returns to the city of dawu. He meets the undead woman of the undead clan in the city, who tells him that the city needs to be broken up. The young wizard must destroy the main palace of the city and each of the other four palaces in order to receive a "holy tool" . The woman asks him if he can hire him with such a small reward, and he replies that he can only get a single holy tool for all of the palaces. He says that even the gods in heaven will not help the poor, and that the woman is full of nonsense. He swings his sword, and the woman mistakes him for saying "" , which means "brat" in Chinese. He gives her a total of six points for making an impression and 10 for accuracy and 0 for power. He sees that the inscription on the sword is an ancient canggu script that has been lost for thousands of years. The sword impresses the woman so much that he feels humiliated for the first time in his life. He asks her to talk about his payment, and she says that he still has the nerve to do so.
After killing the alchemy puppet, the young wizard returns to the city of dawu. He meets the undead woman of the undead clan in the city, who tells him that the city needs to be broken up. The young wizard must destroy the main palace of the city and each of the other four palaces in order to receive a "holy tool" . The woman asks him if he can hire him with such a small reward, and he replies that he can only get a single holy tool for all of the palaces. He says that even the gods in heaven will not help the poor, and that the woman is full of nonsense. He swings his sword, and the woman mistakes him for saying "" , which means "brat" in Chinese. He gives her a total of six points for making an impression and 10 for accuracy and 0 for power. He sees that the inscription on the sword is an ancient canggu script that has been lost for thousands of years. The sword impresses the woman so much that he feels humiliated for the first time in his life. He asks her to talk about his payment, and she says that he still has the nerve to do so.