Linglong and Mei Xiao arrive at the gate of the holy mountain. They greet each other and tell each other that they are the ones who wrote the letter. They explain that the letter was written by a disciple of fairy hua, and that the person who wrote it was the one who instigated the quarrel between the two men. They also explain that in recent times, the largest family in the city, the "wang family," has been importing medicinal materials from all over the world and selling them to the Ming family in order to make a profit. The Ming family, they say, is just a "nouveau riche." The master tells them that the ban on medicinal trade between the Ming and the wang families has been put in place because the Ming man was killed and now the entire family must suffer the treatment. The master says that he does not like to spoil his disciple, but he is still at fault because he is trying to squeeze his life out of him. He tells the fairy that he is afraid that in ten years, the beautiful scenery of the Ming holy mountain will be a rare sight. The fairy tells him that the medicinal trade volume in Ming city is so great that even if it took another hundred years for the medicinal materials to be produced in Ming City, they will not be affected. She tells the master that the problem is not that the Ming people are corrupt, but that someone is secretly manipulating the system.