In this short scene, Mi Xiaomo introduces himself as Heshanjiang, the new business partner of wuyou, and explains that he will be responsible for all of his father's business requests. He also explains that his salary will be three times higher than that of a part-time employee at the university, and that his father has agreed to make him the top student entrepreneurship manager at his university. Mi'o and Heshan's conversation is interrupted by the arrival of the other business partner. Heshan introduces himself, explaining that he is the new partner and that he has been waiting for this opportunity for some time. He explains that before he graduates, he has to be on the top of a university's list of students who have the potential to start their own businesses. He then explains that the business partner is a "troublemaking machine" and that the number of requests for his services is "quite pitiful"
In this short scene, Mi Xiaomo introduces himself as Heshanjiang, the new business partner of wuyou, and explains that he will be responsible for all of his father's business requests. He also explains that his salary will be three times higher than that of a part-time employee at the university, and that his father has agreed to make him the top student entrepreneurship manager at his university. Mi'o and Heshan's conversation is interrupted by the arrival of the other business partner. Heshan introduces himself, explaining that he is the new partner and that he has been waiting for this opportunity for some time. He explains that before he graduates, he has to be on the top of a university's list of students who have the potential to start their own businesses. He then explains that the business partner is a "troublemaking machine" and that the number of requests for his services is "quite pitiful"