In the middle of the night, the dragon wakes up to find that his father has gone to sleep. He asks his father what he's up to, and his father tells him that he has to stay up all night to guard his treasure. The two of them have been hanging out together all night, and the dragon is worried that he might be taken advantage of. He begs his father to leave him alone, but his father says that it's Christmas, so they'll all hang out together. He tells his father that he and the other humans have a lot of work to do today, and that they're going to lend a hand. When the two humans get up, they tell each other that they met on the back of the sleeping dragon's back when they woke up from their nap. The sleeping dragon says that he doesn't remember anything, but he does remember that the mermaid was going to sing a song for them. He's not sure why he feels this way, but then he remembers that the person who was supposed to be accompanying him to the tower wasn't there, so he runs off to find him
In the middle of the night, the dragon wakes up to find that his father has gone to sleep. He asks his father what he's up to, and his father tells him that he has to stay up all night to guard his treasure. The two of them have been hanging out together all night, and the dragon is worried that he might be taken advantage of. He begs his father to leave him alone, but his father says that it's Christmas, so they'll all hang out together. He tells his father that he and the other humans have a lot of work to do today, and that they're going to lend a hand. When the two humans get up, they tell each other that they met on the back of the sleeping dragon's back when they woke up from their nap. The sleeping dragon says that he doesn't remember anything, but he does remember that the mermaid was going to sing a song for them. He's not sure why he feels this way, but then he remembers that the person who was supposed to be accompanying him to the tower wasn't there, so he runs off to find him