In this chapter, the reader is introduced to the Emperor, who has lived for over a thousand years. He has conquered the entire world, but his efforts have been unsuccessful. He is said to have been "immortal and insanely cruel" . The Emperor's palace sits on an icy cliff, surrounded by a snowstorm. A few brave souls manage to open the gate. Inside, the palace is quiet. There is a skeleton on the ruins, but it is no longer important to him. Heiwu finishes the chapter and asks the reader to leave him alone.
In this chapter, the reader is introduced to the Emperor, who has lived for over a thousand years. He has conquered the entire world, but his efforts have been unsuccessful. He is said to have been "immortal and insanely cruel" . The Emperor's palace sits on an icy cliff, surrounded by a snowstorm. A few brave souls manage to open the gate. Inside, the palace is quiet. There is a skeleton on the ruins, but it is no longer important to him. Heiwu finishes the chapter and asks the reader to leave him alone.