The Dragon And His Basement • Chapter 33 • Page ik-page-1085228
The Dragon And His Basement • Chapter 33 • Page ik-page-1085229
Chapter 33
This is a locked chapterChapter 33
About This Chapter
When the dragon wakes up, he's not dead. He's got a new name: "heiwu" , which means "black tungsten" . The two of them decide to go watch the sunrise from the cliff. They'll have to wait until the next day, but they're excited to see the sunrise. The dragon tells the man that his name is "Heiwu," which is the name of the metal that looks like the scales on the dragon's body. He says he'll pay for the man's kindness if he lives long enough. The man agrees to guard him with his life as long as they have a contract.
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The Dragon And His Basement • Chapter 33 • Page ik-page-1085228
The Dragon And His Basement • Chapter 33 • Page ik-page-1085229
Chapter 33
This is a locked chapterChapter 33
About This Chapter
When the dragon wakes up, he's not dead. He's got a new name: "heiwu" , which means "black tungsten" . The two of them decide to go watch the sunrise from the cliff. They'll have to wait until the next day, but they're excited to see the sunrise. The dragon tells the man that his name is "Heiwu," which is the name of the metal that looks like the scales on the dragon's body. He says he'll pay for the man's kindness if he lives long enough. The man agrees to guard him with his life as long as they have a contract.
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