The next morning, the Governess complains that she drank too much the night before and that her brain is "not working anymore" . She tells Mr. Gong to pay more attention to how he dresses and to not drink so much. He tells her that she should know what the appropriate outfit is for work and not to be a baby. The Governess says that she is genuinely happy for her and asks her assistant to take the dress code from the hospital and give it to her.
The next morning, the Governess complains that she drank too much the night before and that her brain is "not working anymore" . She tells Mr. Gong to pay more attention to how he dresses and to not drink so much. He tells her that she should know what the appropriate outfit is for work and not to be a baby. The Governess says that she is genuinely happy for her and asks her assistant to take the dress code from the hospital and give it to her.