In this short scene, we are introduced to a young woman named bai, who is suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder. We learn that her mother has recently passed away from cancer, and that she has had a skin infection and a thin body. She is afraid to be affected by infection, and is scared of germs. The doctor explains that death from cancer usually comes from multiple organ failure and that this is why bai is afraid of being infected and starting to fear germs. He suggests that bai bring her mother's germs with her when she visits the doctor's office next week.
In this short scene, we are introduced to a young woman named bai, who is suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder. We learn that her mother has recently passed away from cancer, and that she has had a skin infection and a thin body. She is afraid to be affected by infection, and is scared of germs. The doctor explains that death from cancer usually comes from multiple organ failure and that this is why bai is afraid of being infected and starting to fear germs. He suggests that bai bring her mother's germs with her when she visits the doctor's office next week.