Spun Together

Spun Together • Chapter 58 • Page ik-page-2731020
Spun Together • Chapter 58 • Page ik-page-2731021
Chapter 58
This is a locked chapterChapter 58
About This Chapter
The gang decides to go to a nearby park to build a snowman, but they're interrupted by the door closing sound of four eyes. Fanzhi wants to go too, but he's not sure if they'll be able to clean up the snowman before they leave. He's suspicious of the whole thing, and wonders why they'd be so sneaky. He also wonders if they might have something to do with each other, and if he'll have a chance to catch up with them. He wants to know what's going on, and he wants to join them, too. But he can't figure out why they would want to join him, so he asks if he can join them too, and they both agree that they would like to join. They're not sure what to say, and fanzhi wonders if he should say something like, "everyone loves me, I'm super-likeable" , or something like that. He doesn't know how to say it, but it's clear that he likes Yusheng, and that's why he likes him so much. He asks Yusheng to teach him how
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Spun Together

Spun Together • Chapter 58 • Page ik-page-2731020
Spun Together • Chapter 58 • Page ik-page-2731021
Chapter 58
This is a locked chapterChapter 58
About This Chapter
The gang decides to go to a nearby park to build a snowman, but they're interrupted by the door closing sound of four eyes. Fanzhi wants to go too, but he's not sure if they'll be able to clean up the snowman before they leave. He's suspicious of the whole thing, and wonders why they'd be so sneaky. He also wonders if they might have something to do with each other, and if he'll have a chance to catch up with them. He wants to know what's going on, and he wants to join them, too. But he can't figure out why they would want to join him, so he asks if he can join them too, and they both agree that they would like to join. They're not sure what to say, and fanzhi wonders if he should say something like, "everyone loves me, I'm super-likeable" , or something like that. He doesn't know how to say it, but it's clear that he likes Yusheng, and that's why he likes him so much. He asks Yusheng to teach him how
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