Linhao, the manager of the fitness center, tells Wenwen that many of the students from his school have come to work at the center. He tells her that he is the manager, but that he does not want her to hear about his relationship with her because it will "blob the entire fitness-center system" . Linhao says that he has found a restaurant nearby, and that he would like to invite her to have a drink or something to do, but she will have to accompany him to the hospital, so she will not be able to go out with him
Linhao, the manager of the fitness center, tells Wenwen that many of the students from his school have come to work at the center. He tells her that he is the manager, but that he does not want her to hear about his relationship with her because it will "blob the entire fitness-center system" . Linhao says that he has found a restaurant nearby, and that he would like to invite her to have a drink or something to do, but she will have to accompany him to the hospital, so she will not be able to go out with him