In this short scene, we are introduced to a new character named Joonhee. He is a young man who has been apprenticed to his master, the Great Master. The Great Master is confused by the strange appearance of a pumpkin in his garden. He wonders where his pumpkins have gone. He also asks the Second Master if he is okay. The Second Master tells him that he is fine. He then turns to the First Master and asks him what kind of martial arts he used. The First Master says that he was lucky that his spell didn't fail, otherwise he would have created a big problem. The Master is horrified at what he has just witnessed. He curses the women for hurting him. He vows never to use this technique again. He says that whoever crosses the line will die. He tells the Second Mistress that she defeated three demonic swords using a single movement. She asks him who he is and he tells her
In this short scene, we are introduced to a new character named Joonhee. He is a young man who has been apprenticed to his master, the Great Master. The Great Master is confused by the strange appearance of a pumpkin in his garden. He wonders where his pumpkins have gone. He also asks the Second Master if he is okay. The Second Master tells him that he is fine. He then turns to the First Master and asks him what kind of martial arts he used. The First Master says that he was lucky that his spell didn't fail, otherwise he would have created a big problem. The Master is horrified at what he has just witnessed. He curses the women for hurting him. He vows never to use this technique again. He says that whoever crosses the line will die. He tells the Second Mistress that she defeated three demonic swords using a single movement. She asks him who he is and he tells her