In this short scene, we are introduced to a young man named Andrian, who has just returned from a trip to India. He asks his friend, Agnes, why she hasn't been home with him lately. Agnes tells him that she's been sick with the flu, and that she doesn't want to go home with her father because it's punishment for giving her number to a "weirdo" . Andrian tells Agnes that he's sorry, but that he has to bring his passport with him because Agnes's home is so far away. Agnes says that she just wants to take note of what's important to her, and when she sees that she has the notebook that she borrowed the day before, she realizes that she can't wait to tell her about it. Agnes asks why she was so quiet the last time she was with him, and he tells her that she was just getting better from the flu. He also says that Agnes is outgoing and outgoing with all the guys, which makes him think that she is pretty, too. He tells her to stop comparing herself to Agnes, and to stop trying to compare herself to her. He says that he likes her the way she is, and wants to like her story before sunset.
In this short scene, we are introduced to a young man named Andrian, who has just returned from a trip to India. He asks his friend, Agnes, why she hasn't been home with him lately. Agnes tells him that she's been sick with the flu, and that she doesn't want to go home with her father because it's punishment for giving her number to a "weirdo" . Andrian tells Agnes that he's sorry, but that he has to bring his passport with him because Agnes's home is so far away. Agnes says that she just wants to take note of what's important to her, and when she sees that she has the notebook that she borrowed the day before, she realizes that she can't wait to tell her about it. Agnes asks why she was so quiet the last time she was with him, and he tells her that she was just getting better from the flu. He also says that Agnes is outgoing and outgoing with all the guys, which makes him think that she is pretty, too. He tells her to stop comparing herself to Agnes, and to stop trying to compare herself to her. He says that he likes her the way she is, and wants to like her story before sunset.