My Heart Within Yours

My Heart Within Yours • Season 2  Chapter 30 • Page ik-page-3521334
My Heart Within Yours • Season 2  Chapter 30 • Page ik-page-3521335
Season 2  Chapter 30
This is a locked chapterSeason 2 Chapter 30
About This Chapter
This chapter's epigraph is from a famous poem by the English poet William Butler Yeats. It's a quote from a poem in which the poet asks the reader to imagine himself in the shoes of a "divine beast" . In this case, the divine beast is wu lu , and the poem is about the gods ability to borrow the powers of the kunlun mountain . The divine beast wants to know what it's like to be locked up separately from the gods, and he asks the poet to choose between the floating stone and the end of his own life. The poem ends with the poem's title: "Crunch Crunch Crunch Crunch" , which means, "So noisy, so I'm bored." The poem then goes on to say that the gods have locked the two of them up separately, and that they've been attacked by the iron-eating beasts. The iron-eaters will eat the bars of the bars, and they'll be unable to escape. The only thing that can stop them from eating the bars is a spell on the zinc alloy, which is why the teeth of the two are going to be broken. The poet says that she can't cook and take care of children, because she doesn't have the skills to do so. She's afraid that what she wants is what the gods think is good, and she never dares to face the gods directly because she was afraid of what he thought was not good. She says that people and humans alike are "sentimental idiots," and she says that the idiot-virus is contagious. The two of you can still
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My Heart Within Yours

My Heart Within Yours • Season 2  Chapter 30 • Page ik-page-3521334
My Heart Within Yours • Season 2  Chapter 30 • Page ik-page-3521335
Season 2  Chapter 30
This is a locked chapterSeason 2 Chapter 30
About This Chapter
This chapter's epigraph is from a famous poem by the English poet William Butler Yeats. It's a quote from a poem in which the poet asks the reader to imagine himself in the shoes of a "divine beast" . In this case, the divine beast is wu lu , and the poem is about the gods ability to borrow the powers of the kunlun mountain . The divine beast wants to know what it's like to be locked up separately from the gods, and he asks the poet to choose between the floating stone and the end of his own life. The poem ends with the poem's title: "Crunch Crunch Crunch Crunch" , which means, "So noisy, so I'm bored." The poem then goes on to say that the gods have locked the two of them up separately, and that they've been attacked by the iron-eating beasts. The iron-eaters will eat the bars of the bars, and they'll be unable to escape. The only thing that can stop them from eating the bars is a spell on the zinc alloy, which is why the teeth of the two are going to be broken. The poet says that she can't cook and take care of children, because she doesn't have the skills to do so. She's afraid that what she wants is what the gods think is good, and she never dares to face the gods directly because she was afraid of what he thought was not good. She says that people and humans alike are "sentimental idiots," and she says that the idiot-virus is contagious. The two of you can still
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