The Governess is disgusted by her daughter's new clothes, which are not in the budget of the restaurant. She wonders how the Governess's daughter is doing today at school, and wonders why she is wearing new clothes. She also wonders why her daughter is showing off her new clothes differently from the rest of the school. She tells her daughter not to teach children about violence, because children are "simple and impulsive," and misunderstandings will be inevitable.
The Governess is disgusted by her daughter's new clothes, which are not in the budget of the restaurant. She wonders how the Governess's daughter is doing today at school, and wonders why she is wearing new clothes. She also wonders why her daughter is showing off her new clothes differently from the rest of the school. She tells her daughter not to teach children about violence, because children are "simple and impulsive," and misunderstandings will be inevitable.