The Strongest Self-Destruction System • Chapter 53 • Page ik-page-1955539
Chapter 53
This is a locked chapterChapter 53
About This Chapter
In this chapter, Shmoop and the gang discuss how they're supposed to find the target of their attack. They don't know how to find a target, because the lab has already started to explode. They're about to kill a bunch of people when they run into a girl with a strawberry-patterned bra. They run off to find her, but she's too scared to run away, so they have to use a grappling hook to get her out of the way of the flying blade. They can't figure out what to do if they accidentally get pregnant, so Shmo says he'll go to the big-stick hospital to find out what's wrong and then he's going to have to go back to work the next day.
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The Strongest Self-Destruction System • Chapter 53 • Page ik-page-1955539
Chapter 53
This is a locked chapterChapter 53
About This Chapter
In this chapter, Shmoop and the gang discuss how they're supposed to find the target of their attack. They don't know how to find a target, because the lab has already started to explode. They're about to kill a bunch of people when they run into a girl with a strawberry-patterned bra. They run off to find her, but she's too scared to run away, so they have to use a grappling hook to get her out of the way of the flying blade. They can't figure out what to do if they accidentally get pregnant, so Shmo says he'll go to the big-stick hospital to find out what's wrong and then he's going to have to go back to work the next day.
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