We interrupt this program for a quick recap of the events of the previous chapter. We're back in the middle of the action, and we're introduced to some of the characters from the previous story. This time, we get a brief description of what's going on in the flashback. The flashback takes place in the present, and it's clear that we've seen a lot of these characters before. We get a quick description of how they're doing, and then we get to see what they've been up to. They're talking about the fact that the two of them are pretty good at their jobs, but that they have a mission that needs to be accomplished. They decide to head to the family's secret laboratory, but they can't figure out where it is, so they head back to the public square. The shoes are pointing in the wrong direction, and they decide to go there to find out what the secret of the family is. They don't know where the lab is, but hey, they'd better hurry up and start their mission. They go to the secret lab, and the shoes point in the right direction. Uh-oh. They hurry up, and start talking about how cool it is that
We interrupt this program for a quick recap of the events of the previous chapter. We're back in the middle of the action, and we're introduced to some of the characters from the previous story. This time, we get a brief description of what's going on in the flashback. The flashback takes place in the present, and it's clear that we've seen a lot of these characters before. We get a quick description of how they're doing, and then we get to see what they've been up to. They're talking about the fact that the two of them are pretty good at their jobs, but that they have a mission that needs to be accomplished. They decide to head to the family's secret laboratory, but they can't figure out where it is, so they head back to the public square. The shoes are pointing in the wrong direction, and they decide to go there to find out what the secret of the family is. They don't know where the lab is, but hey, they'd better hurry up and start their mission. They go to the secret lab, and the shoes point in the right direction. Uh-oh. They hurry up, and start talking about how cool it is that