Sex Life with My Beast Partner • Chapter 54 • Page ik-page-5175664
Sex Life with My Beast Partner • Chapter 54 • Page ik-page-5129551
Chapter 54
This is a locked chapterChapter 54
About This Chapter
The next morning, the Governess is all excited. She wants to make sure that she's the one to inherit the house and keep the family's bloodline. She's also all excited about the fact that Caius has said that he's not going to leave the house for a while, so she wants Caius to marry her. The Governess doesn't have the photos of Caius and Leia yet, but she knows that she needs them ASAP. She also wants to know if Caius wants to marry Leia or not. She tells him that she thinks he needs to marry someone like her, someone who's in charge of the household. Caius says that he wants to go away for a bit, but that he can't help feeling attracted to Leia and her friends. He's afraid that they're going to be attracted to him, and so he wants another boy. He wants to give her another boy, and she wants one more boy. She says that she was right to have two boys because she wanted to keep the house in the family. She never wanted to tell Caius about it, but now that she knows, she wonders what she should do. She wonders if she should keep the wedding a secret, or whether she should let Caius know what's going on.
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Sex Life with My Beast Partner • Chapter 54 • Page ik-page-5175664
Sex Life with My Beast Partner • Chapter 54 • Page ik-page-5129551
Chapter 54
This is a locked chapterChapter 54
About This Chapter
The next morning, the Governess is all excited. She wants to make sure that she's the one to inherit the house and keep the family's bloodline. She's also all excited about the fact that Caius has said that he's not going to leave the house for a while, so she wants Caius to marry her. The Governess doesn't have the photos of Caius and Leia yet, but she knows that she needs them ASAP. She also wants to know if Caius wants to marry Leia or not. She tells him that she thinks he needs to marry someone like her, someone who's in charge of the household. Caius says that he wants to go away for a bit, but that he can't help feeling attracted to Leia and her friends. He's afraid that they're going to be attracted to him, and so he wants another boy. He wants to give her another boy, and she wants one more boy. She says that she was right to have two boys because she wanted to keep the house in the family. She never wanted to tell Caius about it, but now that she knows, she wonders what she should do. She wonders if she should keep the wedding a secret, or whether she should let Caius know what's going on.
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