Sex Life with My Beast Partner • Chapter 47 • Page ik-page-5175657
Sex Life with My Beast Partner • Chapter 47 • Page ik-page-5129476
Chapter 47
This is a locked chapterChapter 47
About This Chapter
The next morning, Haruka and Aotsuki arrive at the construction site. They're excited to see a bunch of guys waiting to pounce on them, but they're also worried about what's going to happen to them if something sexual happens to them. Haruka tells them that she'll be starting a new job at the site the next day, and that she wants to see her fiancee "re solve for myself" . She doesn't want to get into a fight with Mitsuru, though, because she's worried that he'll try to get in the way of her and her fiancee. Aoshima tells Haruka to be careful with him, because he's a "young face just like" her. He also tells her that she looks good in a sexy dress, even if she smiles like she does. He tells her to "smack ouch" , which is a reference to the smell of his cologne. He's also worried that if she blushes too much, it might make him look a bit too young for her. Finally, he tells them to head back to work.
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Sex Life with My Beast Partner • Chapter 47 • Page ik-page-5175657
Sex Life with My Beast Partner • Chapter 47 • Page ik-page-5129476
Chapter 47
This is a locked chapterChapter 47
About This Chapter
The next morning, Haruka and Aotsuki arrive at the construction site. They're excited to see a bunch of guys waiting to pounce on them, but they're also worried about what's going to happen to them if something sexual happens to them. Haruka tells them that she'll be starting a new job at the site the next day, and that she wants to see her fiancee "re solve for myself" . She doesn't want to get into a fight with Mitsuru, though, because she's worried that he'll try to get in the way of her and her fiancee. Aoshima tells Haruka to be careful with him, because he's a "young face just like" her. He also tells her that she looks good in a sexy dress, even if she smiles like she does. He tells her to "smack ouch" , which is a reference to the smell of his cologne. He's also worried that if she blushes too much, it might make him look a bit too young for her. Finally, he tells them to head back to work.
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