Sex Life with My Beast Partner • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-5158548
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the Governess and her beast partner are having sex. The Governess is panting when she hears the sound of a splash coming from the other side of the room. She realizes that the splash is from her lover, who is trying to seduce her. She thrusts her pant into the air, hoping to catch a glimpse of her lover's "dick" between her legs. When she sees the splash, she shrieks and runs to her lover. She then thrusts the pant to free it from the grasp of the other man. The other man, who has come to see what is going on, is terrified and runs away. He is followed by a crowd of onlookers, who have gathered to watch the sex scene.
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Sex Life with My Beast Partner • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-5158548
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the Governess and her beast partner are having sex. The Governess is panting when she hears the sound of a splash coming from the other side of the room. She realizes that the splash is from her lover, who is trying to seduce her. She thrusts her pant into the air, hoping to catch a glimpse of her lover's "dick" between her legs. When she sees the splash, she shrieks and runs to her lover. She then thrusts the pant to free it from the grasp of the other man. The other man, who has come to see what is going on, is terrified and runs away. He is followed by a crowd of onlookers, who have gathered to watch the sex scene.
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