Sex Life with My Beast Partner • Chapter 44 • Page ik-page-5175654
Sex Life with My Beast Partner • Chapter 44 • Page ik-page-5129447
Chapter 44
This is a locked chapterChapter 44
About This Chapter
It's been a while since Milady has seen her, but she's suddenly decided to "re rehash things" . Milady wonders if she should wait a bit longer, but Milady says that she needs to "trust him and wait" , but that's not the same as waiting for someone to show up. She asks Milady to order some pancakes so that she can "sit still on her own ! . ." Milady is worried that erika is going to be "shocked" if she eats all the sweets, but he says that he's here to have fun, and he doesn't mind if erika gets married already. He's got someone he loves, so he can't wait to get married. He wonders what sort of "person" she is, and Milady tells him that her fiancee is "super scary" because she'll eat him "starting with your head" ! Milady thinks that she should just sit around and wait, but then she realizes that she has to do something.
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Sex Life with My Beast Partner • Chapter 44 • Page ik-page-5175654
Sex Life with My Beast Partner • Chapter 44 • Page ik-page-5129447
Chapter 44
This is a locked chapterChapter 44
About This Chapter
It's been a while since Milady has seen her, but she's suddenly decided to "re rehash things" . Milady wonders if she should wait a bit longer, but Milady says that she needs to "trust him and wait" , but that's not the same as waiting for someone to show up. She asks Milady to order some pancakes so that she can "sit still on her own ! . ." Milady is worried that erika is going to be "shocked" if she eats all the sweets, but he says that he's here to have fun, and he doesn't mind if erika gets married already. He's got someone he loves, so he can't wait to get married. He wonders what sort of "person" she is, and Milady tells him that her fiancee is "super scary" because she'll eat him "starting with your head" ! Milady thinks that she should just sit around and wait, but then she realizes that she has to do something.
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