Sex Life with My Beast Partner • Chapter 33 • Page ik-page-5175645
Sex Life with My Beast Partner • Chapter 33 • Page ik-page-5129333
Chapter 33
This is a locked chapterChapter 33
About This Chapter
When satoru comes out of the door, the girl is shocked to see him. She wants to know what he's up to, but he won't tell her. He tells her that he wants to talk to her about her past, but that he doesn't want to get into a fight with her because she's already had sex with someone else. He says that he wishes that he could have met her sooner. He's not the first guy she'd had a sex with, he says, but the first one she had had.
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Sex Life with My Beast Partner • Chapter 33 • Page ik-page-5175645
Sex Life with My Beast Partner • Chapter 33 • Page ik-page-5129333
Chapter 33
This is a locked chapterChapter 33
About This Chapter
When satoru comes out of the door, the girl is shocked to see him. She wants to know what he's up to, but he won't tell her. He tells her that he wants to talk to her about her past, but that he doesn't want to get into a fight with her because she's already had sex with someone else. He says that he wishes that he could have met her sooner. He's not the first guy she'd had a sex with, he says, but the first one she had had.
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