Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 44 • Page ik-page-5087854
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 44 • Page ik-page-5024930
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 44 • Page ik-page-5024916
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 44 • Page ik-page-5024913
Chapter 44
This is a locked chapterChapter 44
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we get a brief glimpse of the relationship between Hiroyuki and his childhood friend, Shmoop. Hiroyuki, who has lost a lot of weight in the past few months, is eager to get back to his old self. He is very excited about the prospect of going back to school, and he is eager for Hiroyuki to join him.
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Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 44 • Page ik-page-5087854
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 44 • Page ik-page-5024930
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 44 • Page ik-page-5024916
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 44 • Page ik-page-5024913
Chapter 44
This is a locked chapterChapter 44
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we get a brief glimpse of the relationship between Hiroyuki and his childhood friend, Shmoop. Hiroyuki, who has lost a lot of weight in the past few months, is eager to get back to his old self. He is very excited about the prospect of going back to school, and he is eager for Hiroyuki to join him.
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