Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 42 • Page ik-page-5087852
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 42 • Page ik-page-5024834
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 42 • Page ik-page-5024854
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 42 • Page ik-page-5024855
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 42 • Page ik-page-5024841
Chapter 42
This is a locked chapterChapter 42
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we learn that our favorite childhood friend, Shmoop, is having a secret "massage" with his friend, Chika, who is suffering from a bad case of the common cold. We're not exactly sure what the secret is supposed to be, but Shmoops says it's just a way for him to get away from his crush, who's always trying to be nice to him.
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Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 42 • Page ik-page-5087852
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 42 • Page ik-page-5024834
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 42 • Page ik-page-5024854
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 42 • Page ik-page-5024855
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 42 • Page ik-page-5024841
Chapter 42
This is a locked chapterChapter 42
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we learn that our favorite childhood friend, Shmoop, is having a secret "massage" with his friend, Chika, who is suffering from a bad case of the common cold. We're not exactly sure what the secret is supposed to be, but Shmoops says it's just a way for him to get away from his crush, who's always trying to be nice to him.
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