Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 31 • Page ik-page-5087841
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 31 • Page ik-page-5024315
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 31 • Page ik-page-5024344
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 31 • Page ik-page-5024347
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 31 • Page ik-page-5024328
Chapter 31
This is a locked chapterChapter 31
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the two girls are still in high school, and the chatter is trying to find out what's going on between them. They've been hanging out all day, and they're still not seeing each other. The chatter wants to know if it's true that Chika has fallen in love with a guy named Tomoyuki. The girl says she doesn't know, but she does know that he's a "top - quality guy" and that he has a crush on her. The two girls go off to get some food and drinks, and then the chatter tells them that she and Chika used to be in the same high school class, but that they haven't seen each other in 10 years.
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Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 31 • Page ik-page-5087841
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 31 • Page ik-page-5024315
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 31 • Page ik-page-5024344
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 31 • Page ik-page-5024347
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 31 • Page ik-page-5024328
Chapter 31
This is a locked chapterChapter 31
About This Chapter
In this short scene, the two girls are still in high school, and the chatter is trying to find out what's going on between them. They've been hanging out all day, and they're still not seeing each other. The chatter wants to know if it's true that Chika has fallen in love with a guy named Tomoyuki. The girl says she doesn't know, but she does know that he's a "top - quality guy" and that he has a crush on her. The two girls go off to get some food and drinks, and then the chatter tells them that she and Chika used to be in the same high school class, but that they haven't seen each other in 10 years.
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