Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-5066593
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-5023429
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-5023450
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-5023427
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-5023434
Chapter 10
This is a locked chapterChapter 10
About This Chapter
Okay, Shmoop, we know you're not a fan of this scene, but Shmoopers, we're going to give you a shout-out. We've got to tell you that Shmoos mom is super-annoyed. She's not happy about the fact that Hiroyuki is living with him, and she doesn't know why he's staying with him. Shmooper is all, "Hey, mom, why are you living with Hiroyuki? And why is he staying with you? And what's the deal with that? Nah, Hiroyuki isn't going to come and help Shmoo, because Shmoo is already 25 years old, and Shmoo wants to live his life by himself. Uh-oh, mom. You know, Shmoo's way too young to be living with his parents, and he wants to be able to do whatever he wants with his life. He's going to go live with his mom instead of his dad. Shmopers is totally into this idea. He tells Shmoo that he can't wait to get out of the house and live his own life, and that he'll be happy to do so if he has to. He also says that his mom is like a "child hood friend" , and his dad is like "my family to mind" . He wants to know why she's holding him back, and how she feels about it, too, when he kisses her. He says, "You're my kid hood friend, and I'm like you, too. It's fine, now . . I don't have to hold you back anymore, I can just go out and do whatever I want with my life . and you can do whatever you want with your life ." Shmoper is totally grossed out by this whole thing, and says that Sh
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Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-5066593
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-5023429
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-5023450
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-5023427
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-5023434
Chapter 10
This is a locked chapterChapter 10
About This Chapter
Okay, Shmoop, we know you're not a fan of this scene, but Shmoopers, we're going to give you a shout-out. We've got to tell you that Shmoos mom is super-annoyed. She's not happy about the fact that Hiroyuki is living with him, and she doesn't know why he's staying with him. Shmooper is all, "Hey, mom, why are you living with Hiroyuki? And why is he staying with you? And what's the deal with that? Nah, Hiroyuki isn't going to come and help Shmoo, because Shmoo is already 25 years old, and Shmoo wants to live his life by himself. Uh-oh, mom. You know, Shmoo's way too young to be living with his parents, and he wants to be able to do whatever he wants with his life. He's going to go live with his mom instead of his dad. Shmopers is totally into this idea. He tells Shmoo that he can't wait to get out of the house and live his own life, and that he'll be happy to do so if he has to. He also says that his mom is like a "child hood friend" , and his dad is like "my family to mind" . He wants to know why she's holding him back, and how she feels about it, too, when he kisses her. He says, "You're my kid hood friend, and I'm like you, too. It's fine, now . . I don't have to hold you back anymore, I can just go out and do whatever I want with my life . and you can do whatever you want with your life ." Shmoper is totally grossed out by this whole thing, and says that Sh
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