Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 18 • Page ik-page-5086864
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 18 • Page ik-page-5023730
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 18 • Page ik-page-5023743
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 18 • Page ik-page-5023732
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 18 • Page ik-page-5023735
Chapter 18
This is a locked chapterChapter 18
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we are introduced to a new character, Clink, who has just returned from a night out with his friend, yuki. Clink tells us that he has been thinking a lot about his upcoming meeting with yuki, and that he is certain that yuki is trying to kill him. He says that he knows yuki has been uncertain about his feelings for her, but that he feels that he must go anyway because he wants to make sure that she does not have to think about him, even if she does have feelings for him
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Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 18 • Page ik-page-5086864
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 18 • Page ik-page-5023730
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 18 • Page ik-page-5023743
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 18 • Page ik-page-5023732
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage... • Chapter 18 • Page ik-page-5023735
Chapter 18
This is a locked chapterChapter 18
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we are introduced to a new character, Clink, who has just returned from a night out with his friend, yuki. Clink tells us that he has been thinking a lot about his upcoming meeting with yuki, and that he is certain that yuki is trying to kill him. He says that he knows yuki has been uncertain about his feelings for her, but that he feels that he must go anyway because he wants to make sure that she does not have to think about him, even if she does have feelings for him
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