Mr. Xing'er asks how the antidote is working, and the doctor replies that it's still in the "testing stage" and that the side effects of the drug are still unknown. Mr. and Mrs. Ming'er are worried about the baby, but they're not worried about their own health. They're worried about Mr. Cheng's health, too, because he's had a bad rest for the last few days. He's worried that the baby will be born healthy, but what if something happens to the baby and Mr. Xing'er? Mr. Cai'an is worried, but he doesn't want to ruin his own health, so he says that he'll take care of the baby. He also says that if the baby is born alive, it'll be fine, but that if it dies, Mr. Ching'er won't live. He wants to go back to China, but the doctor says that the antidote has to be transferred to the child within two days.
Mr. Xing'er asks how the antidote is working, and the doctor replies that it's still in the "testing stage" and that the side effects of the drug are still unknown. Mr. and Mrs. Ming'er are worried about the baby, but they're not worried about their own health. They're worried about Mr. Cheng's health, too, because he's had a bad rest for the last few days. He's worried that the baby will be born healthy, but what if something happens to the baby and Mr. Xing'er? Mr. Cai'an is worried, but he doesn't want to ruin his own health, so he says that he'll take care of the baby. He also says that if the baby is born alive, it'll be fine, but that if it dies, Mr. Ching'er won't live. He wants to go back to China, but the doctor says that the antidote has to be transferred to the child within two days.