In this short scene, we are introduced to Seto, a young man who is obsessed with his roommate, Laurie. Laurie's obsession is to "swoop" Seto's body so that he will "swallow" , which is to say, "scream" . Laurie, however, is not concerned with squelching her feelings; instead, she's worried about how she'll feel when she squeezes her lover's arms. She's also worried about what Laurie will think when she hears that he's in love with her. Laurie tells us that she used to think she was a "star" when she first met him, but now she realizes that she is actually a "swoop," and that she and Seto will always be in love.
In this short scene, we are introduced to Seto, a young man who is obsessed with his roommate, Laurie. Laurie's obsession is to "swoop" Seto's body so that he will "swallow" , which is to say, "scream" . Laurie, however, is not concerned with squelching her feelings; instead, she's worried about how she'll feel when she squeezes her lover's arms. She's also worried about what Laurie will think when she hears that he's in love with her. Laurie tells us that she used to think she was a "star" when she first met him, but now she realizes that she is actually a "swoop," and that she and Seto will always be in love.