My Roommate Obsesses Over Me • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-4948779
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
The narrator tells us that his roommate is obsessed with him, but he's not sure what to do about it. He's worried that he'll hurt him if he doesn't do something about it, and that he might sound heartless if he does it. The narrator wonders if he should be more "light-hearted" about the whole thing, or if he needs to "mush" his feelings. He asks the narrator to mutter something to himself, but the narrator can't help himself. He says that if he mutters something, the narrator is "talking to himself too much." The narrator is shocked by the way the narrator talks to him, and he says that the narrator was just letting out a "really dark aura" . He thanks the narrator for being so nice, and the narrator says that he and the others are the only ones in the room right now. He tells the narrator that he was thinking about him when he was talking to the narrator, and now he wants to "get away from me" , so he presses on the narrator's chest, and she blushes. She says that she didn't realize that he worked out, and wonders why she's feeling so shy. She wants to thank him for being nice, but she'll only say that she hasn't received his thanks yet. She asks him to thank her for the juice, and then she wants to kiss him. He won't say that he forgot to say that, so she asks him why he wants a kiss
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My Roommate Obsesses Over Me • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-4948779
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
The narrator tells us that his roommate is obsessed with him, but he's not sure what to do about it. He's worried that he'll hurt him if he doesn't do something about it, and that he might sound heartless if he does it. The narrator wonders if he should be more "light-hearted" about the whole thing, or if he needs to "mush" his feelings. He asks the narrator to mutter something to himself, but the narrator can't help himself. He says that if he mutters something, the narrator is "talking to himself too much." The narrator is shocked by the way the narrator talks to him, and he says that the narrator was just letting out a "really dark aura" . He thanks the narrator for being so nice, and the narrator says that he and the others are the only ones in the room right now. He tells the narrator that he was thinking about him when he was talking to the narrator, and now he wants to "get away from me" , so he presses on the narrator's chest, and she blushes. She says that she didn't realize that he worked out, and wonders why she's feeling so shy. She wants to thank him for being nice, but she'll only say that she hasn't received his thanks yet. She asks him to thank her for the juice, and then she wants to kiss him. He won't say that he forgot to say that, so she asks him why he wants a kiss
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