My Roommate Obsesses Over Me • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-4948776
Chapter 10
This is a locked chapterChapter 10
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a conversation between Hiroshi and Akio. Hiroshi asks Akio why he ran away from him. Akio tells him that something must have been written between him and Hiroshi for him to come into Hiroshi's room like that. The chapter ends with Hiroshi asking Akio to come back and apologize to him for running away. He tells Akio that he is afraid that their relationship is "distracting" from that of friends. He says that he will go back to his room and smile thanks. He then goes on to ask Akio if he has seen Hiroshi. He is sure that he has not, but he cannot wait to see him again.
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My Roommate Obsesses Over Me • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-4948776
Chapter 10
This is a locked chapterChapter 10
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a conversation between Hiroshi and Akio. Hiroshi asks Akio why he ran away from him. Akio tells him that something must have been written between him and Hiroshi for him to come into Hiroshi's room like that. The chapter ends with Hiroshi asking Akio to come back and apologize to him for running away. He tells Akio that he is afraid that their relationship is "distracting" from that of friends. He says that he will go back to his room and smile thanks. He then goes on to ask Akio if he has seen Hiroshi. He is sure that he has not, but he cannot wait to see him again.
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