My Roommate Obsesses Over Me • Chapter 15 • Page ik-page-5099067
Chapter 15
This is a locked chapterChapter 15
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with a soliloquy from a young man who is in love with another woman. He is worried that the other woman will take him away from his love. He tells the girl that he loves her, but that he does not know how to express his love to her. The young man tells her that his words are "absolute like you" . The girl tells him that her words are not proof of his love for her. She tells the young man that she loves him too, and that she is afraid that he will take her away from her
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My Roommate Obsesses Over Me • Chapter 15 • Page ik-page-5099067
Chapter 15
This is a locked chapterChapter 15
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with a soliloquy from a young man who is in love with another woman. He is worried that the other woman will take him away from his love. He tells the girl that he loves her, but that he does not know how to express his love to her. The young man tells her that his words are "absolute like you" . The girl tells him that her words are not proof of his love for her. She tells the young man that she loves him too, and that she is afraid that he will take her away from her
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